Best wishes to all SEE appearing students- 2080

“Best wishes to all our bright and talented students of SEE 2080! As you embark on this important journey, remember that your hard work and dedication will pave the way for a successful future. Green Hills Academy is proud of each one of you and believes in your potential to achieve greatness. Stay focused, stay […]

Academic Calendar 2076

The schedule for holidays and different extra-curricular activities are in the calendar. Any change in the programme or accidental holidays will be notified. 

Takshashila SEE quiz competition #2080BS!

Congratulations to all participants as well as GHA family on achieving 3rd position in the Takshashila SEE quiz competition #2080BS! Your dedication and hard work have paid off remarkably. Keep shining bright!

7th Aruni cup TT Competition

7th Aruni cup TT Competition. Congratulation to all the winners and participants for their outstanding performance.#2080BS

सम्बद्ध सबैमा हार्दिक धन्यवाद तथा आभार ।

मिति २०८०-११-०५ गते ग्रीन हिल्स एकेडेमीकाे अभिभावक दिवस कार्यक्रममा व्यस्त समयका वावजुद उपस्थित प्रमुख अतिथि एन प्याव्सन केन्द्रिय अध्यक्ष सुवास न्याैपाने सर, विशिष्ठ अतिथि तारकेश्वर नगरपालिका वडा नं २ अध्यक्ष एवम् नगर प्रवक्ता राधाकृष्ण खड्गी ज्यू, अतिथि गण एन प्याव्सन तारकेश्वर नगरसमिति अध्यक्ष गाेविन्द भट्ट सर , समाजसेवी श्रीराम थापा ज्यू, समाजसेवी रविन्द्र के.सी. ज्यू

Career Opportunity as Montessori Teacher

Highly motivated and dynamic candidates who are willing to learn and grow as professionals may apply for the post of Pre-Primary Level Grade Teacher. The qualification required is Bachelor completed or running. Salary: Negotiable; Special Skills: Fluency in spoken and written English; Training: Montessori Trained; Interested candidates are required to apply with their CV and

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